By Lion F
If you never make a move towards what you want in life it will never happen. Sitting and dreaming stays right there. The important thing is to get moving so that the dreams will become realities. Many of us suffer from procrastination and this and I am sure you have heard before is a killer of dreams.
So, guess what, now is the time. Stand up and get going and here is how you are going to start.
Get up. Get up with the aim to plan your moves properly.
Plan. Plan properly and learn to take suggestions even though its your dream because you are not perfect.
Implement your plans strategically. If it’s just you, it may take some time but if you have help this would not be a problem. Try not to bite off more than you can chew at any point in time as this could create problems.
Remember your goals. It’s your dream so your plans
should reflect its goal. Make sure you are on the right track with the use of your plan.
Be Consistent. This is not very easy but for your dreams to become realities you have to be consistent or it will take a much longer time to be completed. For many, lack of consistency has caused dreams to die even when they were near completion.
Make your improvements. After you have seen the end product it means that your dream has come through. If it is not quite the way you expected it to be make your changes where possible.
Enjoy your success. You have done it. You did not give in to inconsistency, laziness or for that fact procrastination. Pour yourself a glass of wine, have a beer ,have a fruit juice or a few cans of beers. You did it!