“Let me tell you !”, she said as I sat beside her intently waiting on the digestible words that would soon come flowing from her tongue. She was very attractive and any man in his right mind would throw his bait hoping for a bite.
This life is not an easy one and regardless of what others may tell you it might not all be full of the glitz and glamours of single life. Let me first state that being a child of GOD is great and it comes with passionate pressure. There is at times a real feeling of loneliness. It is like there is no one there for you and I am not thinking of my blood-related family now. Your friends are usually with their significant other, husband or wife as the case may be and they can say things to each other in the confidence of a relationship but you can only say it to God.

Sometimes you need someone who will physically talk back to you and encourage you and to help you find solutions. Its lonely being in a house or driving and all you hear is the radio. Its almost as if you were abandoned and left to roam alone.
In addition to that, there is a feeling of jealousy. It is never easy seeing Dick and Veandra walking hand in hand and I know I am as beautiful or even more so than she is. How did she land a husband or a boyfriend and I did not? I never get a valentine gift from a real love yet I see cards and kisses being thrown about like a bouncing ball.
The part that stings is the part where they all start chewing on each other and I have to just watch with a smile until they decide to stop. It can be harsh and you don’t want it to look obvious that you are feeling jealous so you blow it off with a joke. Sometimes couples can be insensitive but are they?

Similarly comes the feeling of disappointment and shame. You feel this way because you believe that maybe you made the right one slip away. Its as if you picked and picked until no fruit is left and so it is your fault. This is not a feeling that just goes away. Do you keep asking yourself why didn’t God show him to me? When you are alone you can remember all the different prospects that you had and for some reason, they were just not the right fit. They were not Christian or they were too rough, dashing, insensitive and all the other great but real excuses to send them on their merry way.
This is a real part of my life but the part that’s banging is the relationship that I have with Christ and I would never give it up for the world. I firmly believe that the relationship issue will be fixed even though I hate to hear people say that “the Lord has the right one for you.” I would prefer if they would just not say anything and show him to me.

The word says But seeks first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. So for those who are out there waiting stay strong in the Lord and be of good courage because through it all Christ has been keeping you and there is no better place to be than in his arms until your change comes. Have faith because you are a single Christian woman who will never let your love go. The other love will have to join in.