By Marlene Mcbean
If we hope for what we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. Romans 8 vs 25.
While waiting in patience for what we’re hoping for, let us today stretch our faith muscle believing and trusting that God is going to come through for us. Patience is a virtue
It may seem long, but God is an on time God. He may not act when we want him to, but in his time. If we don’t get what we’re hoping for, then it’s not ours to have. God has something better for us. So don’t get discouraged or disappointed if things don’t go the way we hoped. Continue to exhibit patience.
God is in control of everything and in everything. We ought to give him thanks. As we go through this new week, let’s start showing our appreciation to God for the things he’s done, things we didn’t get, things he’s doing and are going to do…..Let him work in our lives. Be encouraged. Patience is a virtue.