Looking For Mr. Or Miss Right?
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Photo by Anastasiya Lobanovskaya on Pexels.com

Are you having a rough time looking for Mr. or Miss Right? If you are then you are among thousands so please do not allow it to drive you crazy. When you are looking for that special someone do not allow anyone to tell you about the specifications that you desire. This is something that you should know for yourself. There are a few things however that we need to keep in mind and they are as follows.

There are no perfect spouses or partners!

There is not a perfect person in this world and so it is important that you don’t spend the time looking for someone who as far as you are concern is perfect. This would be putting too much pressure on yourself and on the person you would be dating.  The truth is that getting to know a person takes time. There are persons out there who would pretend just to get you where they want you. It is always important that you take time to know a person if what you seek is long term.

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Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

Have things in common

You should make sure that the person you are dating have things in common with you. There has to be things that you can both get excited over this could include sports, texting, phones, church, reading ,cars, picnics, dancing and a host of other interests. Of course you should also have other interests which would complement both of you as you would be learning from each other. A little adventure and spontaneity can add a lot to your relationship and so sharing the things you like individually could add some spice.


From the onset you should have an idea if this person wants to hear from you. You should also know whether or not this person is talkative or quiet. Whenever you both speak of things that are important how involved is this person? Communication is one of the most important things in a relationship so you have to look for where the weaknesses are. Is this person too argumentative? Does he or she reason well? All of these things must be taken into consideration for your own peace of mind? Communication can either make or break your relationship.

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Photo by Keira Burton on Pexels.com

Past experience

Interestingly learning about past experience is of major importance especially if they may include children or interaction with pass partners. This can be a rough area? There is also the need to know his or her sexual needs and if they will be satisfied as well (how you find that out is a matter of choice). If the communication line is open you should be able to get all this information in a short space of time.

photo of woman posing with her hands up and her eyes closed
Photo by Orione Conceição on Pexels.com

Level of commitment

It’s really a pity though but the proof of this is usually with the life you would live together. Commitment is just not something that can be said with words. Action is of major importance here. Hearing it from your intended partner though would be a good thing to start with. Having the understanding that if trust is broken it could end your relationship.

These are just a few things to look out for when you are looking for Mr. or Miss Right. If you believe there are others please feel free to communicate this in the comments section.

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