Exercise your faith

I sat in my office one morning with my door half closed. My attention was then drawn to the door. The Holy Spirit started to minister to me about the door and what’s behind the door. One night I lay in bed relaxing then I looked on the wall and this was what I saw on it. ” Prayer is the Key to heaven but faith unlocks the door.” We need to open the door!
Faith is the key.
Now the scripture says in Hebrews 11 vs 1 that “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” We have things in our lives that we hope for, things we’re working towards, things we desire to have, but it’s beyond the open door and if we don’t move to open the door we will not have it. Open the door ! We pray to the Lord everyday to increase our faith but we do nothing. The Bible also says Faith without works is dead so we have to do something James 2 vs 26. We have to exercise it.
Use the key!

As to the keys, Matthew 16 vs 19 says that God has given us the Keys to the Kingdom of heaven. So why not use the keys to unlock the doors that are closed in our lives? See the keys are very important. Prayer and Faith is the Key to the Kingdom of God. It’s also the key to our success, our financial situations and all the problems we faced today. Think about all that is going on in our lives today and how we can face them. We have the keys to unlock every situations by praying and exercising our faith.
The keys here signifies “Authority” that means God has given us the power to reach for those keys to unlock those doors. As we go through our daily life, let’s not be afraid to use the keys we’re given. Let us unlock those doors as we strive to reach the Kingdom of God. Don’t be afraid to walk through the door to see what’s beyond. It could be our blessings awaiting us.