In light of the pandemic and the fact that it is now 2021, many homes have seen and will see their occupancy at full capacity with online teaching and online work. There are many though who still venture out for work. This though dangerous at this time is a necessity. It is necessary because food has to be placed on the table for sustenance. Sometimes this is daddy’s role and sometimes it is mommy’s but at the end of the day, Daddy should make sure that it is done. He has to rise.
With Daddy and mommy being home Daddy is trendsetter in the home or he should be. He should be the one who sets the tone for work or play and mommy will partner with him or be the “back up”. It stands to reason that if daddy is miserable then mommy might be miserable too and so the whole house could get miserable.
A father has to rise and take on his responsibility as the head. Being the head does not mean being a dictator and so he does not listen or take suggestions to benefit the home. It simply means that he is the one to be held responsible for the final decisions in regards to the household whether they are good or bad. The buck cannot be passed to mommy and mommy alone because she is there.
The light, the water, mortgage, car payments and all of these of course in partnership with mommy has to be paid but if there is an issue and mommy can be of no help daddy has to rise and make sure it is done. When daddy works out problems without violence and verbal abuse in the home it sends a very strong message and one that will impact the next generation. The children in the home are looking on and so when daddy raises his son or daughter will do the same because they would have learnt. Standing up to your responsibility as a father means rising.
Doing the things that make sure your home and children are provided for speaks to your leadership as was stated previously as it relates to bill payments, the mood in your home which includes interaction, entertainment and, spirituality in your home regardless of the religion you are apart of. Your children should see you leading in these areas and they too will want to do the same when they are grown.
They should see and feel you supporting the family not just in a physical sense but in an emotional fashion as well. Let them be aware that you are just as sensitive and aware but reassure them that together we will pull through. Give them hugs and shake their hands. Kiss them on their foreheads. Make tea for them and mommy. Cook for them all if you are not a good cook. Let them see that struggles are there but sticking together through it will be worth it and in that way, they will grow knowing that teamwork is important in the family regardless of the situations you may be going through.
Regardless of this disease I still will have to brave it and get to work because food has to go on the table. I cannot afford to lose my job. That fosters leadership in your children equipping them for the world.
So now how will you as a father be considered wise? You are wise by the decisions you make. The decisions you take to do the things that you ought to do to make your family happy. The children don’t have to be with you for you to provide for them emotionally and physically. Stretch yourself so that they can see you reaching for them and they will see you as wise. If there is a situation where the mother is giving you issues find a way around her to see your child.
Let the child know that you fought tooth and nails to get into his or her life. Pay your maintenance and give extra because times are hard. Whatever you need to sacrifice make the sacrifice and allow your children to see that this is where daddy would go to make sure that I am okay. This is how you become wise in their eyes because they see how you have tried to solve the problems and the issues that come your way.
Let us be clear no father is perfect but when we sit back and do nothing the society suffers because of our absence. Make no mistake even if the ladies or mothers take offence to this women can never take the place of men or fathers and it does not matter how hard they try. They could fly the biggest planes or drive the biggest trucks or be the boss of the biggest cooperation they can never be called daddy or father. They won’t be able to do the things daddy do, they can only try and substitute and I dare say some have done a great job at it.
Fathers let us rise, lead and be wise because our sons and daughters are expecting this, especially in this trying time. More love.