BY Marlene MacBean

Faith is most important

In this life our desire is to have a lot of things and if we should be asked the question what is It that we desire, our answer would be; more money, house, car, business or a family.  Some may say that they just need peace of mind, relationship, freedom from addictions and other things money cannot buy. It doesn’t matter how we feel or how much we are in wants, there is only one place to start and it is with Faith.

It is everything

photo of man kneeling while praying
Photo by Ali Arapoğlu on Pexels.com

We may also wonder what faith has to do with anything  but the answer is “everything”  According to Hebrews 11 vs 1 it means that faith is the real thing. It has the ability to bring things into existence which is our hearts desire. It starts with hope then turns them into reality. .” It is stepping out on nothing believing that something is there. We need faith, we cannot please God without it Hebrews 11 vs6

Let us exercise it

Believe it or not, we have been exercising faith all our lives. Look, you go to work and at the end of the week you go to the ATM, insert your card to withdraw money, in the morning get off the bed and stand on the ground. Tell me now, how sure are you that money is in the bank or how sure are you that there was something to stand on? Another instance is that you pull a chair out and sit on it not knowing if the legs are firm enough to hold your weight. Well, all that is faith. We have it for things all the time. We are not lacking in the amount of it that it takes to produce results that are manifested in our lives.

Every man was given the same amount of it

Romans12 vs3 tells us that GOD hath dealt every man the same measure of faith and this is simply saying that every human being on earth was given the same amount of it but it is how we activate it and use it. There is not one person on the earth that had received a greater portion of it than anyone. We all got the same.   The more we stretch our faith is the more our faith muscle is built up. The more you use it the stronger it becomes. It’s like lifting weights.

man in black long sleeve shirt sitting on bed
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.com

We need faith

  Just like in the parable of the five talents in Matthew 25. God has made provision where we can have the faith that pleases him. God gives us faith and also tells us how to use it to please him. It is also acting in what we believe in. We were created with faith because we were made in Christ’s image. Our current life is based on past faith.

grayscale photography of man sitting on grass field
Photo by Flickr on Pexels.com

Romans 12v 2 and be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…..

In order to change the negative situations in our environment, or fight the enemy, our mind must be renewed. Right thinking leads to right believing and that’s the truth. There is no other way. YOU MUST HAVE FAITH!

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