It has been proven to me time and time again that life is in truth short. Let us determine the direction our lives should take. We can waste it or we can take it for granted. We can also embrace it and take it for all that it has to offer.
The decisions that we make in this life are in fact ours. Our choices should not be blamed on anyone else if things do not work out the way we would have wanted them to. It is wrong to blame our parents for being where we are because if they could have made a difference it would have been made.
We have to live our own lives and we need to take responsibility for this. We blame others for our mistakes far too often in this life forgetting than we were the ones who made the choices.
God gave us life and for this reason, we should never take our life for granted. The thing is it can be taken from us at any time. Let us not wait until something happens and we are lying down on our backs for us to say, “we should have lived’ let us live now. It has been said many times that the most wealth can be found in the cemetery. This is where the unused talents are in their thousand. This is where the visions and dreams that were never unearthed remain forever enshrined.
Let us live the way God would have wanted us to. We should not have any regrets whatsoever. Your dreams should be realized, live your life to the fullest. Smile as much as you can and I realize that the best way to enjoy yourself is to do it the way a child would, free and with innocence. We should never be afraid to play ,sing,or shout whenever we feel the need to. That is how our young babies do it. We should hug, love, forgive and show kindness whenever the need arises. Let us live our lives because it is short.