Men Should Never Argue!
Why should I be quiet?

“I really wish you would just shut up and stop chatting and nagging like a girl “, said Shanae to her boyfriend Jaymar. Jaymar stormed out and slammed the door behind him.

Women, especially in this modern era, believe that if a man talks and expresses himself he is less than a man. As far as they are concerned a woman should be the one to talk until she has had her fill and extra. The moment a man begins to talk then he is considered argumentative and associated with being a female.

Has it ever accrued to the sceptics that the fact that a man does not get the opportunity to express himself it can cause psychological problems?

Have you ever wondered why is it that we have seen abuses in the home by a man? Why is it that your boss seems so angry at work all the time? Why do we have road rage? Why do men kill members of their family and then themselves?

We have cultured our boys not to speak because we do not want them to behave like girls but we need to remember that they need to vent, to release their anger and not just by working it off in the gym or on the football field because when they are placed back into the environment where the problem lies they may snap and make matters worse.

The sad truth is that in the gym they get physical and on the football

field they do the same as well. When they do go to the bar they drink through their anger but end up drunk and even more abusive when they do reach home. The suggestion, therefore, is to allow them the chance to vent.

Let boys and girls grow up knowing their differences so that communication will be easier and relationships will be maintained.

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