Its important that you know your worth. You spent the weekend preparing for this presentation and you were sure that everything was in place. It is possible that you were sure that nothing could have gone wrong. This is because you know your worth. You wanted to get the crowd’s reaction to your delivery so you place your phone camera in your top pocket. You did a great presentation in fact, you outdid yourself and the crowd gave you a standing ovation.

The thing is; when you went home and took out the phone to see your video you realized that you were video taping your pocket. You have nothing to show how well you did. You are disappointed in yourself. You are mad at yourself.

However, we must not take the disappointments to heart.

Life has its full share of disappointments but take heart that these disappointments help us to be stronger. It’s not always about what others may think. You just need to know your worth!

Getting a good evaluation by others is a great thing but knowing that you did well by your standards should bring some level of satisfaction. There are times when we need to self –affirm and give ourselves a tap on our backs and believe that we have done well. For those persons who have never heard that they have done well Youthlove E-zine is now telling you that you have done well. We are proud of you.

2 thoughts on “KNOW YOUR WORTH!

  1. Truer words have never been spoken. At times we lose sight of self because we are consumed in suiting our image to the standards and acceptance of others.

  2. A brief but affirming discourse on the importance of valuing oneself. It is a need of all to be able to see the merit in our efforts.

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