

When you are in school the word love made your head swim and your heart race like a cheeta especially if that special person is next to you or even if he or she stares at you with the same feelings reflected in her eyes like yours.

As we get older though we realize though that this thing called love goes deeper than this and it takes over your whole being. God expressed it in the heart of creation and if we are to be truthful there is nothing more loving than life. The moment we wake up that’s what we see. We are captivated by real love.

Real love is summarised in what we see and do around us that brings out our true positive, purpose-oriented and passionate characteristics. There is nothing more loving and lovely than waking up to life. This life includes feeling the wind on our faces, eating a fruit, jumping in the river, greeting our friends, saying hello to our neighbor and just overall doing the things that we feel passionate about. Our passion embraces our love.

This passion extends to the relationships we have or those that we choose to indulge in. I have never really heard of a passion for doing something negative if you have please let me know. Your passion is always something positive because it is something that makes you feel fulfilled inside. It brightens your day and fills your heart. This is the feeling of true undiluted love.

Our love, therefore, should be one that allows people to smile when they see us. They should never have a sense of fear because love would radiate from us. Our love should be accommodating and not one that is condemning. It should be filled with forgiveness and positive thoughts for a brighter and purposeful life.

Let us show someone some love today. Let us reflect love in our world today.

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