Many things can go wrong and they can go wrong very quickly. So many times, we have gotten up in the mornings and we expect that it will be a glorious day and then the phone rings and our day is dashed. Things can also go the other way. We wake up feeling angry and depressed and then the phone rings and we are happy again. Life is like that on many different levels. We must therefore realize that as human beings we have no control over life.

The Covid19 virus has taken many lives and had it not been for the mercies of GOD it could have been one of us. The fact that we are still here, and the virus is still moving relentlessly all over the world we need to give GOD thanks. His word states that “He will never leave us or forsake us”.

Our main purpose is to serve God and in so doing love all who are around us. It does not matter the color or creed because we all come from one GOD. So, as we rise today to let us understand that we do so only because GOD allows it. All that we have can be taken from us in a flash and all that we did not have can be given to us.

Life is a blessing and we need to remember that it is short. We will not live on this earth forever.  Many times, as drivers we have had near misses and had it not been for GOD’s guidance and protection we might not have been here. There were times when it was not even our fault, but GOD was right there. The thing is he does this for everybody the just and the unjust because HE is GOD.

Let us continue to acknowledge HIS power and His authority in this world as we battle all the different issue that is thrown at us. He is powerful enough to stop it all with a single wink of an eye. His time, however, is not our time. We just need to understand that He is sovereign and beyond what we can ever think or imagine. Let his peace be on us as we walk daily. Let us remember that he is the author and finisher of our faith.


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