Social Media Platform

Main stream media seems to be challenged and believe it or not the leading social media platform is Facebook . “The latest Data show that Facebook continues to reign strong as the king of social media, with 2.94 billion active users in 2022. That means that around three out of every four of the 3.96 billion social media users are active Facebook users” .  This is coming directly from the website Shopify and you can check this out yourself. Could this mean that our teens are more informed than our adults? I have been hearing them say that facebook is for the older folks? The data is saying something quite different


Youtube is in second….

To further inform my teens and young adults as well let it be known that YouTube is actually second in line and they have to their credit 2.48 billion active users. I know you might be wondering about Instagram and according to shopify its in fourth place with 1.44 billion. I really did not want to miss Tik Tok which is in 6th position with a whopping1.02 billion people. Why should this talk of social media be of interest you may ask?


Social media is of interest because for those persons who would like to do business in whatever areas you may choose you may need to know where is the best place to advertise your ware. The world has changed so much that one does not have to depend on a television or cable network to advertise. For those who are particularly interested whatsapp is in third position according to shopify and they have 2 billion people.

Wechat ,messenger ,telegram,snapchat and Douyin are the others who are also in the race for popularity. You can all run over to shopify and check on their data as you seek to market your products on the social media platform of your choice. In this way you can acquire the largest audience for your business.

Things are changing and we all have to be on top of our game if we are going to do well. Data for social media is therefore very important so keep this in mind. There are also other areas where one will be able to find this data. Use it to your advantage as you move forward in the area of business you choose.

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