I am a Christian and a teacher. Writing calms me and pulls at my creative and inquisitive side. Media has me in a frenzy and the dream is to continue on this path to reach my goals.
It has always been said that ‘teeth and tongue must meet’ and for those who do not understand it means that there will always be quarrels from time to time in a relationship. This can be true but it does not mean…
Sandra is my girlfriend and I love this girl but I can’t help it if I am considered handsome. I do flirt occasionally but not to the point where it gets out of hand. I am a fun person and people usually…
Consistency is always a major issue when it comes to getting things done. For most of us faced with this problem, it is usually a major hurdle for us to jump. Guess what! There are solutions to the problem. Check these out…
Could my boyfriend be really controlling me? So you realize that you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend who is controlling. They want to tell you what you should be wearing, the food you should be eating, when you should sleep or…
By Lion. F Nelson Mandella said, “It always seems impossible until it’s done” and believe you me it is so true. Many people are out there with dreams and you might just be one of them. You have been working at your…
By Lion F So it is summer and school is out and it is going fast. What are we going to do with all of this time on our hands? Have you really been basking in the summer? What are you going…
By LION F When you are in school the word love made your head swim and your heart race like a cheeta especially if that special person is next to you or even if he or she stares at you with the…
Written By Sean C. Harrison (c) 2014 You’ve graduated for sure. I eyed you, years anxious, Looked for that impending sheen, Your true colors to blind a world That never saw what I’d seen; A soul who housed greatness In your shanty…
Written by Sean C. Harrison (c)2019 There was a time in my life when even as a Christian I had such deep-rooted esteem issues I couldn’t help being hard on myself. I lived in a world of constant guilt and self-condemnation and…
by Youthlove (C)2019 Sitting down and saying you want to be healthier is not going to help. Getting up and starting to put your body into shape is a great way to stay healthy. Exercise today!! Check out these eight ways why…