There was so much noise


The noise was overwhelming and terrifying but as I stepped into the living room the three boys all had headphones tightly over their ears and the television was being pounded by gunshots coming from all corners. Gaming dragged me in!

Types of games

They were playing games on the xbox 360 or PS4 whichever it was I don’t know but they were eating it up like peperoni pizza and they were licking their lips too. I cannot understand what it is about these games that makes teen and grown men act like children. I must say women are also involved.

Players were very attentive

They were so engrossed in the game that I could have taken the whole house and they would have just sat there and played until maybe I plugged it out or something. They were totally out of this world and blasted into a world of animation. Gaming dragged me in too because I started looking intently! When they took a break, I took the liberty of asking them what was it that held them to the game?  They quickly replied that it is very interactive and that I could see. Furthermore it was also said it is very competitive especially when the link is made all over the world. They made it quite clear that it is invigorating and fulfilling especially when they win.

It looked very addictive

A thrilling and active game fit for anyone who has adventure in his or her bones.
Fully action packed and creative.

They played many games so it was not just about the current one which they said was Fortnite . It seemed very creative but with some great level of violence. It is something I would like to try. You can do the same too. I still needed more convincing though until I met him.

Is it a waste of time?

It was my opinion that gaming was actually a waste of time until I met a 12-year-old who told me that playing Roblox is quite amazing. He said Roblox

Fascinating Game

introduced him to a lot of people and showed him how they reacted to things. This I was skeptical about because I was worried that he could be speaking to the wrong people.  He went on to say his dad is always there for the most part whenever he is playing and whenever he speaks to anybody his dad has to know who it is. I found out his dad also plays. He also stated that it brought out his creativity. He was able to be inventive and innovative without anyone being over his shoulders. The young man was totally in charge and he loves it.

I changed my mind

So my mind has changed and I am planning to try out a game or two. I do believe though that there should be a limit and a balance to this as I believe it can get addictive. It could hinder the learning process, so parents and guardians let the kids play but make sure it is monitored and balanced with school work and assignments being done.

Fun to the end

1 thought on “GAMING DRAGGED ME IN!

  1. Wow these games were the boost to my happiness they’re so addictive and fun I’m glad you’re getting to have the same feeling about the games

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