What is yours; is yours!

Hang in there…..

green typewriter on brown wooden table
Photo by Markus Winkler on Pexels.com

Just how often have you desired things but they seem so far fetched. You are of the belief that you would never acquire it? You have made an effort maybe on a number of occasions. Yet, for different reasons it evades you. It could have even been promised to you but when the time comes for it to be handed over something happens. This I believe is something that has happen to many persons. More often than not they decide to let it go. They figured that it is no longer in their grasp but God may have other plans. What is meant to be yours cannot be given to someone else. Jeremiah 29 : 11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”.

Continue to be faithful…..

woman in red trendy top listening to music
Photo by Sound On on Pexels.com

You may think that it was not meant for you but God may have other plans. This plan may just include you getting the desire of your heart. Please be reminded that Psalms 37 : 4 says Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart. My friend saw a truck that he wanted to buy. The owner gave him first choice and a special price. He knew he would take care of it. It was so unfortunate but my friend never had the money at the time. A for sale sign was placed on the truck and the owner placed his value on it. It was not the same as the price offered to my friend. My friend tried his best but he could not come up with the cash. What is yours is yours.

God is working it out….

smiling woman in green crew neck t shirt and blue denim jeans standing beside brown tree
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

Many prospective buyers came. They however only looked and begged for a lower price. The owner did not change his price. They saw how great it was but still thought it was just too expensive for them. It so happen that after a month or two the truck was still there and my friend saw it. He expressed his love for this truck and he made another bid for it and the owner conceded. It may not have happen at the time that he would have wanted it to but when the time was right it did. What is yours, is yours.


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