It has been seen now and has been for quite a while that good customer service is on the decline. I don’t understand why is it that owners, C.E.O.s, bosses or managers believe that people must and I repeat must buy their goods or services even if their service is of poor taste.

Stepping into stores around the world and I dare say some very important government places as well I have seen where scant regard is being placed on the customer.

They are not treated with the respect they deserve as the ones who really and truly contribute to any profit that the organization is making.

Firstly very rarely are the receptionists, cashiers or sales representatives taught how to greet or relate to people on a level that befits social balance. The point is not everybody is the same so you can’t speak to everybody on the same level as you do your friends. Flexibility is key especially when you are working in this area.  

Secondly, there is no reason why you should be grumpy to a customer even if you are in a grumpy mood or you are coming from a miserable and grumpy home. There needs to be a balance and professionalism and it has to be taught especially in a place of business. Your personal feelings come secondary to your job at hand when dealing with your customers.

Thirdly, when does it become a problem when a client decides to ask stupid questions? Shouldn’t they be answered for the benefit of the prospective or the present customer?   This should never be a problem and all questions should be answered accompanied by a smile genuine or not.

Customers of all kinds should feel that their money is just as good as anybody else. They must be accommodated regardless of how insignificant their statement or question is.

Customers are the heart and the backbone to any business. Without them, there will be no business. We need to show how valuable they are to us as soon as they step through the door. Customer service is the key to profits and that’s what every business aim for.

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