A potent drug is needed….

happy couple hugging in new apartment during relocation
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.com

 We need a love vaccine so that we can inject some love into our society. We see where the world is pleading for some real love, affection and devotion. With some real love gun control in the big cities would be a thing of the pass as guns would be holstered and maybe just used for recreational activities. This is really the ideal but if it could be made a reality this world would be eternally grateful. Criminals would be a thing of the pass too. We need a vaccine now!

Our relationships can be fixed…..

black father carrying adorable little baby
Photo by Keira Burton on Pexels.com

Relationships that lends itself to violence against males and females would be a thing of the pass if this vaccine is taken by everyone. The work place for most would be one where professionalism would be at its best. We would not take things personally but try to be objective for the greater good. It would slowly but surely mend our petty or great issues that sometimes arise in our lives to inject pain,anger and emotional distraught. We would listen to each other more and thus communicate better for more enduring relationships.

Covid19 can be controlled…..

brown and silver cross table decor
Photo by Michael Morse on Pexels.com

This vaccine could effectively reduce Covid 19 cases much quicker than all the others combined because there would be a will for individuals to protect each other. Individuals would value others as much as they value themselves. This means that masks would always be worn. It would mean that we would all practice the safety protocols that we need to keep us alive. The spread of the disease would slow and eventually be in a position to be controlled.

selective focus photography of cross pendant
Photo by Maurício Eugênio on Pexels.com

This vaccine confronts fear…..

The love vaccine is quite simple and the truth is everybody can get it.  For sure this vaccine is free and it has no side effects.  There is actually more to be gained than to lose. We just need to accept Christ in our lives. Many may laugh but its just facts .St John 3v16 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Now how many of us can really love like that. This is the reason why we need this love vaccine. It is in our best interest to take this vaccine and live. This is not living for just now but forever. Take this vaccine today. Others have done it and the proof is in the eating so what’s stopping you?

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