Stop taking your Man for Granted!

For generations, it has always been said that men must not take their women for granted and that “they never know what they have until they lose it”. Is this to say that it is okay for women to take their men for granted? I would think not.

Men are not perfect but there are a whole lot of good men out there and if the truth is to be told many of them are not being treated the way they ought to be. Sometimes these men are taken for granted. I can hear ladies saying I can bet it’s a man who wrote this!

There is a time when women eyes are blinded to the great thing that they have. This is all because there are a few flaws like smoking, drinking, hanging with friends, cursing or even chilling a bit too much’  In some cases not being able to cook or even not going to the supermarket is an issue. These are not all together mind you but they may vary from men to men.

The fact that men may not do one or two of these things does not make them bad or terrible and therefore should not be treated with the respect they deserve. Are they home every night? Do they finance the home? Should they be more respectful?  By any chance are you loved and made comfortable? Are you secure? Now if all of these things are in place then why would you not treat the man the way he ought to be treated.

Women expect men to be tender when they want them to and strong and powerful when they need them to and they never stop to think about what happens in a man’s mind when all those roles have to be played. It is taken for granted that this is easy and just as how females multi-task it is believed that men can do the same. Men do not multi-task well. Watch them closely and you will see.

How often have you said to your man you are the best hun.  Hun you make me feel so good. You make me feel strong or I feel supported by you hun. These are things that men would like to hear.

Men love affirmation and will do more when these things are done. Sadly though not many women see it this way they believe that bashing fix things and it doesn’t. One crazy notion is that cursing or arguing with a man makes him do things. It does not. Cursing him just makes him not want to do it but because he loves and cares about you he does it. This is how you take his love for granted. If you show him some love I guarantee you get it done faster.

Ladies, you may never know your man in his entirety but you can get to know him a little better and in so doing you will not take him for granted. Take the time to do so and you will reap the benefits of this.

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