There are too many instances where individuals rage and resort to violence. Deal with your anger ! It is always okay to be angry because we are all human but it is never okay to maim or kill. Is it that we can not walk away from situations anymore? Is it that we do not have a clue how to calm ourselves down by counting to ten or to one hundred if it is required? This world is becoming one where we are selfish and stubborn. We believe that we are always right. We fail to put our self in someone else’s shoes. This is what causes us to to fuel anger instead of trying to stay calm when conflicts arises. If as an individual you deal with your anger then it should be enough to keep a situation under control. When the other individual or group decides not to control themselves then that is a whole different ball game.

Anger creates tension

Anger makes an atmosphere tense whether you are in the workplace, a class or on the streets. Let us remember that there are always ways to control your temper and to be more formal this is called anger management. When you are in a situation with an angry person what you need to do is think before you talk.

This way whatever comes out should be rational and the tone would be set at the right place. Normally if you reply to an angry person your tone would reflect what you are getting. If you are getting angry at someone as well the best thing to do is to think before your tongue goes into gear because it could escalate things . Deal with your anger!

Try exercising

This might seem odd but you may need to exercise more. Stress, may make you angry all the time. To relieve this stress you need exercise and deal with your anger. You need to get out of the office and go and do something before you start raging on everybody around you. If you don’t exercise then find some other activity that you know will help to alleviate the stress.

Deep breathing could work

Count to a hundred or take deep breaths when placed in a situation that will make you mad. It would be okay if you just leave the situation for a while, get into your car and listen to some music. Go for a walk and find somewhere where you can cool down. I really would not recommend driving because there are some people who become road hogs when they are angry . There are others though, who sees driving as destressing. So, if it works for you please try it and deal with your anger.

Counselling might be the answer

If you do try all of these recommendations or suggestions and they do not work then you may have a chronic state of anger. This means you may need extra help so deal with your anger and get therapy.

Try seeing a counsellor as this could very well cause relationship issues, abuse and other work issues as the situation worsens. We don’t need violence to erupt. It’s best if we don’t sit on these things and tell ourselves that we can handle it. It is actually causing too much pain in our society as it is. Let’s deal with this .

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